In my experience

It’s a hard thing to get people to like advertising. As a writer and creative director, I’ve always tried to make personal connections, where every piece of work makes the viewer feel something emotional. Today there's a ton of ways to make connections. And I think we can not only get people to like advertising, but to embrace those brands as part of their community. 


ICF Next/Olson — Creative Director
Bauer Hockey, 3M, Skittles, Oikos, Keystone Light, Northwestern Mutual, Minnesota Wild,, Belize Tourism, Commerce Bank, Discover Boating, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medtronic

Modern Climate – Associate Creative Director
Anheuser-Busch, St. Jude Medical, Geek Squad, Activeion


Best Buy – Associate Creative Director / Copywriter
Best Buy, Geek Squad, Redline Entertainment


Bolin – Copywriter
Minnesota State Fair, Athletic Fitters, American Dairy Association